Set the same expectation for you as you do for your horse

What is EliteEquest training?

It is a specialized 12 week training program with exercises for riders to enhance their skills, which can be done from anywhere. These exercises will result in improved posture and balance in the saddle, increased strength and endurance for riding, as well as, prevent stress injuries that are likely to develop due to prolonged riding.

Many riders make the mistake of forgetting to train themselves, you as a rider are an athlete and horseback riding is a team sport. You and your horse work as a team and if you only train one of you, you will never reach your full potential.

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The three main aspects of our program

  • Home fitness assessment

    You start by taking a home fitness assessment test, which you will use to track your progress throughout the process. You will then take a new assessment every 4 weeks to track your progress.

  • Home workouts

    All our workouts come with a video to follow. You will work on conditioning and strengthening the muscles used when riding, which will increase your stamina and prevent injuries. As well as, balance and flexibility exercises to better your posture and balance in the saddle. The program is 12 weeks, with three, twenty-minute workouts each week.

  • Exercise with your horse

    All the benefits of the exercises you will be doing will transfer directly to your riding skills. You will also have a few exercises that you will perform on/with your horse. This will help you work as a team and strengthen your bond and trust, which are paramount for the teamwork required to become the best team you two can be.

After this program you will have

  • Better Your Posture

    With better posture you will make it easier for your horse to move underneath you.

  • Increased Balance

    With better balance you will be less likely to fall off, and you will be able to follow your horse movements better.

  • Increased Strength

    With increased strength you will prevent stress injuries from prolonged riding, as well as, being able to ride more efficiently.

  • Increased Stamina

    After going through our program you will be able to ride longer without feeling fatigued. As well as being able to take care of your horse's needs, the stable, and everything involved more easily.

  • Increased Confidence

    After increasing your posture, and balance in the saddle, as well as, performing the exercises we give you to do with your horse, you will get increased confidence as a rider. You will know that not only are you putting in the work to train your horse, but yourself as well.

  • Increased Trust & Teamwork

    When you perform the exercises we give you to do with your horse. You will develop deeper trust as well as come closer as a team, since these are special exercises that require both of you to focus and trust.

Help your horse reach full potential

Help your horse to move easier beneath you by being in top form yourself.

Training that is specifically designed for riders to improve their balance, posture, strength, and flexibility, which will transfer directly to their riding skills and help them become the best riders they can be.

With only 20 minutes, three times a week you will enhance your riding skills. You will also get balance exercises to perform while working with your horse, to enhance your bond, as well as, better your riding skills.

Don´t forget Horse riding is a team sport, and if you are only training one aspect (the horse) you will never reach full potential as a team.

The skills training will increase the riders' balance, flexibility, and strength to enhance their riding skills to better their posture and alignment in the saddle. 

How does it work?

  • Sign up and access your home space

  • Take a fitness assessment test to track your progress

  • Do your first skill enhancement workout

  • Transfer your workout to your riding

What are the benefits of joining?

  • Better posture and alignment in the saddle

  • Improved stamina, which allows you to ride for longer

  • Decrease risk of stress injuries from prolong riding

  • Being able to move more freely with your horse

  • Increased confidence when riding

How does this make me a better rider?

You train your horse to become the best he can be, but when riding, your horse abilities only account for part of your results as a rider. You account for the other part, which makes it important to train yourself as well. That is where we come in with our specialized fitness plan that is specifically designed for riders You will get a specialized home workout that is based on your needs to improve your balance, flexibility, and strength, which is specifically designed for you to better your posture and alignment in the saddle.

Our skill training program

Edda Dögg Ingibergsdóttir

Instructor Bio:


BSc. Kinesiology with concentration in physical education.

MSc. Sport Psychology.

Personal Trainer certification from International Sport Science Association

Edda Dögg Ingibergsdottir
